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What is Ju-Jitsu?

or. Jiu-Jitsu


“The gentle art” or ”The yielding art”

The martial art Jiu-Jitsu or Ju-Jitsu comes from Japan and translates as “the gentle art” or “the yielding art”. This means that no uncontrolled force is used, but rather the principle of “winning by yielding”. The origin comes from the Japanese samurai, in order to be able to defend themselves without weapons. Jiu-Jitsu therefore offers a very wide range of self-defense techniques. It also trains the body and mind. This strengthens self-confidence and character. This makes it easier to assess difficult situations and de-escalate conflicts.

The aim of Jiu-Jitsu is to put attackers out of action as efficiently as possible. Regardless of whether the aggressor attacks with or without weapons. In defense, not only are movement techniques used to evade attacks, but also to counter them with various techniques. There are different groups of techniques:

   Locking techniques  
   Controlling techniques   
   Pressior point techniques   
   Punching techniques  
   Impact techniques  
   Transportation techniques   
   Kicking techniques  
   Throwing techniques
   Strangulation techniques


Is Jiu-Jitsu related to other martial arts?


Many other martial arts developed from Jiu-Jitsu, such as:
    Ju-Jutsu Do
    Krav Maga


What does the graduation    system look like?


There are student and master grades

The student grades are called Kyu grades, the master grades Dan grades. In Jiu-Jitsu, you start as a student with a white belt. For the next belt color, an exam must be taken. The examinations are taken by the sensei (= master). Each graduation is not only an incentive for every trainee, but also shows the approximate level of performance of each athlete, or at least how long they have been practicing this martial art. The higher the grade, the more extensive and demanding the examination program. There are also special waiting periods between the respective examinations.

However, not only techniques are assessed, but also the actions and understanding of values (Budo values) of each student.

The colors from Beginner to Master:

Student grades / Kyu Grade
Master grade / Dan Grade
Grand Master Grades / Dan Grade
WhiteBlack(1. - 5. Dan)Red/White (6. - 8. Dan)

Red (9. - 10. Dan)


